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Monday, August 24, 2020
Quality Education to Students in Monroe College Essay
Quality Education to Students in Monroe College - Essay Example I have consistently accepted that learning at Monroe College would carry numerous advantages to my life. Instruction insightful, Monroe has gotten only positive audits in regards to the nature of its educational program. Allowed the chance to learn at Monroe, I am certain that I will develop by a wide margin in the field of my advantage which is criminal equity. Beginning from when I was as yet a kid, I generally longed for working in the criminal equity office. The intrigue I have had in this profession has driven me to extend my insight and interests by perusing related diaries, empowering me to grow my view regarding the matter. Monroe will surely furnish me with the best respect in developing in this vocation both as an understudy and as a person. I despite everything accept that there is a whole other world to come since criminal equity is a wide and point by point territory of demonstrable skill. Criminal equity involves law implementation, legitimate examinations, human admini strations, adjustments, probation, and parole. Notwithstanding that, it stretches out to human administrations offered at both the government and state level. Monroe College will unfavorably give me the chance to contemplate and comprehend the wide scope of issues that exist in our general public. As of now, my locale is attacked by a hallucination of issues, all criminal related. Existing arrangements appear to work, however there is a need to give long haul arrangements particularly to the mind boggling issues. I accept the information that I will earn at Monroe will give me the information and ability to give enduring answers to support the network.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Timeline History Of Russia 1533
Course of events History Of Russia 1533-1991 Essay 1533-1584The Russian Empire, covering more than one-6th of the world, is represented by the sway of Czar Ivan the Terrible. The feudalsystem persecutes each man, lady and youngster as the Czar discharges Tax Collectors to keep up help for the nobles in the land. Rascals and money related blackmailers oppress any lower class resident who won't help add to the Czars system. 1682-1725Under Czar Peter I (Peter the Great), the Russian Empire starts to prosper with hints of customary social structure changes in the nation. Watching the extreme advances of western human advancements, Peter arranges the modernization of the military, making of a naval force, supports mercantilism and outside exchange, and gives ladies more rights. All things considered, the Empire stays stricken in neediness over moderate changes and the domineering nearness of feudalism. 1825-1861The medieval framework starts to bomb when the objectives and wants of the regular worker can't be accomplished through such a bygone principle. Different progressive Czars endeavor social changes which don't leave an effect on the countrys prosperity. In December of 1825, an uprising from the masses occures when they request changes to the monetary framework. With the improvement of the American, French and Spanish constitutions, the serfs currently requested the abolishment of the government fasci sm, public responsibility for and numerous other common and social changes. Tragically, their insubordination was quicklydismantled by the Czars military group and the framework stayed in propriety. 1861-1905Czar Nicholas II at long last understood that his current monetary government was keeping down the improvement of the domain. He in this manner made a parliamentary framework in 1905 which would diminish the quantity of strikes and vicious upheavals producing from the workers. This agent get together (called a Duma) was assembled an aggregate of multiple times during the principal World War and offered authenticity to other political groups inside the domain and would ideally increment social liberties. 1917-1924World War I prompted the relinquishment (abdication) of the Czar as the individuals rebelled against his pointless government. Starvation, ailment and demise were fanning out quickly as the Russians helped France against the local army of Germany during World War I. The populace lost its confidence in the government and introduced a temporary government that would shield the nation from deteriorating. In any case, this administration would not mediate during the delicate long stretches of the war and lost its capacity to a socialist gathering called the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks, drove by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Nikolai Lenin), toppled the temporary government and executed their style of power to the domain. Their goals were to lead the Russian domain into flourishing while at the same time using Karl Marxs proposed precept for a public, boorish condition where the laborers will utilize their capacities to fulfill their own needs. The Union was currently conceived and the Communist Manifesto was at last going to be initiated. The C zar and his family were caught and executed, in this manner finishing the abusive dictatorship that had happened to the domain for a long time. In the long run, the focal government was surpassed by Lenin and his milit ary chiefs, LeonTrotsky and Josef Stalin. Albeit a minority party, the Bolsheviks chose to actualize free enterprise changes to the fragileeconomy so as to help the revolutionary backfire that would follow. The New Economic Policy (NEP) made by Lenin would permit laborers to save a specific measure of benefit for themselves, as opposed to having the legislature finance every last bit of it. Lamentably, Lenin kicked the bucket similarly as his strategy had begun to work. 1925-1953The two evident beneficiaries to Lenins system were Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Despite the fact that Trotsky was more qualified for the situation (with his solid political tendencies towards sensible social flexibility), Josef Stalin accepted controlled and in this way requested the outcast of all juxtaposing bureau priests, including Trotsky. Anybody in the Union who questioned his choices was sent to Siberian jail camps or killed. He currently had full control with no intercession from other liberal or moderate gatherings. He chose to focus on improving military quality and expanding on improving the Soviet economy, instead of follow Lenins progressive objective of commanding the world. So as to get the monstrous measure of cash expected to keep up his local army, he started a progression of multi year programs which would drive the normal rancher to meet a quantity before the finish of the gather and afterward have the state finance the entirety of the creation. This framework, apropos named collectivization, reproved allof the normal specialists freedoms and made incredible enduring during the Stalin system. Such enduring was amplified during an enemy of war arrangement that Stalin had marked with Hitlers Germany with an end goal to stay away from an encounter with the Nazi military. Notwithstanding, Hitler damaged this settlement with an end goal to overwhelm the entirety of Europe and was prevented to the detriment from securing a large number of Soviet lives who battled for opportunity against his oppression. In addition to the fact that this led to a huge number of passings and an extreme decline in profitability. Stalin inevitably died in 1953, and the traditionalist pattern would now moved to an increasingly liberal structure. .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .postImageUrl , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:hover , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:visited , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:active { border:0!important; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:active , .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:hover { darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue0f53ad2f2241c111f57d4babd804304:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Rosa parks Essay We will compose a custom paper on Timeline History Of Russia 1533-1991 explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now 1953-1964Nikita Krushchev, a devoted liberal pioneer, figured out how to turn into the pioneer of the Soviet Union after a moderate head honcho by the name of Malenkov couldn't accumulate enough help from the Political Bureau. Krushchev continued to decently change the inflexible, authoritarian structure of the Union and managed other remote nations. The improvement in outside relations, space advancements and lodging/work permitted Krushchev to improve the Soviet economy. In 1964, he turned into the primary chief ever to lose power when the Political Bureau (Politburo) expelled him because of his outrageous radical strategies. 1964-1982Brezhnev had now accepted control of the Union. An inflexible Stalinist with firm stance morals, Brezhnevs objective was to make the USSR into one of the most grounded political superpowers on the planet. The military was luxuriously subsidized and the definitive impact of Brezhnev could be felt in the severity of the populace. At the point when Brezhnev passed on in 1982, he abandoned a domain with one of the universes most grounded military divisions, however most vulnerable populace resolve. The Soviet Union was a vacant superpower with disintegrating money related, social and political divisions. 1985-1991In the next years, the Union saw almost no political change as far as improving social and creation factors. Yuri Andropov passed on ahead of schedule before he could build up any recognizable changes and Koneztin Chernenko was wasteful as the pioneer of the KGB and the Union. At age 54, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev rose to acquire the financially crushed Union and sta rted building up political changes that the world had not experienced since the Bolshevik transformation of 1917. With radical philosophies, for example, Glasnost (Openess) and Perestroika (long-go industrialist restructing), alongside improved remote exchange and strategic relationship with the United States (disposal of most ballistic atomic rockets), the reformist had shown up to change the substance of his territory. Gorbachevs conservative procedures had changed the Soviet Union from a forlorn persecuted no man's land to a socially freed wilderness. Such extreme strategies and changes not just empowered the
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The Five Fundamental Types of Editing and Which One Is Right for You
The Five Fundamental Types of Editing and Which One Is Right for You So, the hard part is overâ€"youve written a manuscript or paper and youre now ready to move forward on the next step, which is working with an editor toward getting it published.However, a quick online search of the scope of editors and editing services offered is enough to overwhelm even the calmest of writers. Looking through freelance profiles or online agencies, youll come across various terms for services provided, including developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and manuscript critiquing.Which do you choose? How is one different than the other? Do you need a copyeditor and a line editor, or will one suffice? You likely have a lot of questions about the scope of editing services available, so in this article, we will break it down for you to help clear up any confusion you might have. Well discuss what each type of editing service is to help you narrow your search, specifically what professional skills are needed to perform that service, and at what stag es in the writing process you might need each.Developmental editingThink of a developmental editor as your mentor and guide for a particular manuscript. In the publishing industry, a developmental editor would assist authors from the early stages of the manuscript submission process, before a line editor, copyeditor, or proofreader even sees a word thats written.In publishing houses, the developmental editor is sometimes simply known as the editor-in-chief or associate editor. Many published books will go through a round of developmental editing (where significant parts of the manuscript are changed) and in some cases, a writer might work with a developmental editor at the planning stages of a manuscript that is yet to be written.A developmental editor would focus on issues, such as:The structure of your bookWhether your book will be marketable, and if not, how to make it marketableAny gaps in plot or characterizationAn unclear audience or lack of engagement with audienceMajor chang es that need to be made regarding pacing, dialogue, or plotWhen working with a developmental editor, its important to keep an open mind and receive all feedback graciously. A developmental editor is not there to tear apart your writing (although it might seem like it at times) or make you feel incompetent as an author. He or she is there to help make your book a success and has a birds-eye view of the publishing industry and genre that you wont have in most cases.Line editingA line edit will generally occur before a copyedit is done and is meant to address the writing style and overall effectiveness of the content of the work. In other words, it is not the line editors task to find the grammar, punctuation, spelling or syntax errors of the copy, although he or she might do this to a certain extent.Mostly, a line editor would be responsible for pointing out any of the following in your writing:Problems with the emotion or tone of your writingClichés or broad generalizations youve us edProblems with your word choice or repetitive wordingRedundant or extraneous wordsRun-on sentencesFaulty transitions (or a lack of transitions)Off-topic digressionsDialogue that does not flow well or is hard to follow/readShifts in tense or point of viewPoor word choice, bland writing, or an unengaging toneDetails that need to be added for clarification for the readerAs you can see, line editing involves looking at the content to consider its overall effectiveness. For example, a line editor for a doctoral dissertation would look at the big picture and determine the usefulness of the study, how well the author has reviewed the literature related to the topic, and whether enough details are included for a convincing argument. A line editor would also point out if there are any confusing parts that are difficult to read or understand, or if there are any glaring errors in verb tense and word choice throughout.CopyeditingCopyediting is a type of editing that focuses on the technical i ssues of the copy. The best equipped copyeditor is one who has excellent command of English language rules, including grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, syntax, citation formats and more. Included in a copyedit should be:Corrections to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. This includes corrections between British and American spellings of words, depending on the audience. For example, a copyeditor would be responsible for changing the punctuation and/or spelling if an author using British English rules publishes in an American publication.Changes to ensure consistency in spelling, punctuation, numerals, fonts, spacing and capitalization. For example, a copyeditor would catch when five is spelled out in one section of the work but written as the numeral 5 in another. He or she would then make the necessary adjustments to ensure consistency throughout the entire manuscript or paper.Notes on false or questionable information such as incorrect quotes, dates, or claim s. This is especially important in the publishing world, where false information could lead to defamation lawsuits or a loss of reputation for the publication.Notes on the effectiveness or macro-level issues of the copy, including consistency in details of characters, places, etc.A thorough understanding and check of the formatting style required (Chicago, APA, MLA, etc.). A copyeditor should be well-versed in the rules related to the style and be able to correct any formatting, citation or punctuation errors within the copy that dont follow it.Analysis of any legal issues that might result from publication of the work, such as plagiarism or defamation lawsuits.In the various stages of the editing process, a copyedit would come after a line edit. In publishing circles, a copyeditor is usually the last person to see the copy before it goes to print.ProofreadingIn the stages of editing for publication, proofreading would be what occurs after the publication or manuscript has been prin ted once to obtain the proof. After given this proof, a proofreader would examine it to make sure that it includes everything in the original copy and make note of anything that is missing.A proofreader would then look at the proof to make sure the page numbers are correctly formatted and numbered, as well as ensure there are no incorrectly spaced line breaks or paragraphs. This includes checking to make sure each paragraph is set apart from the rest and that lines do not overlap each other or go off the printed page.As with other specific types of editing, a proofreaders job might overlap with the copywriter or line editor. However, his or her primary responsibility in the publishing world would be to examine the official proof before the final print run.Manuscript critiquing and/or book doctoringManuscript critiquing or book doctoring is when an editor reads your manuscript and provides a comprehensive assessment of it. Obviously, editors who offer this service should have extensi ve experience in the industry to provide valuable critique that would greatly increase an authors chance of being published. That critique might include aspects of the manuscript such as:Character development. Have your characters been developed well enough? Does your reader connect with them?Pacing. Is the pacing too fast or too slow? Could improvements be made in pacing to make the story easier to follow or understand?Dialogue. Do your characters have believable dialogue that adds dimension to them? Is the dialogue formatted correctly and is it readable?Potential holes in the story or problems with the plot. Are there missing pieces to the puzzle in your plot that might annoy readers if they are left out of the story? Are there leaps of faith in the plot that might not make sense to a large portion of readers?Its important to know that this type of editing will likely not include line editing or copyediting, unless those are specially offered as part of a package deal. Rather, an editor offering a manuscript critique will use his or her experience in the industry to give you an honest outlook on what your manuscript has to offer and what it is lacking from the point of view of traditional publishing houses and current trends in the industry.A final wordJust as editing services offered will vary, so will the professional experience of editors. Thats why its important to choose an editor who has extensive experience in the industry or field for which you are writing, and can give informed, quality feedback to help you in your publishing efforts. For example, an editor might have an impressive resume in academic research and publishing but not know much at all about publishing in a magazine. Since the world of academic writing is vastly different than that of magazine writing, an editor specializing in one will not be the best informed concerning trends and expectations in the industry of the other.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Supply Chain Operation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 736 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2018/12/14 Category Business Essay Type Report Level High school Did you like this example? Introduction Considering the impressive change in the prices, decrease in headcount and uncertainty relating to future stability of market, global oil and gas industry is currently experiencing challenging times. Major of its spending goes to supply. To curb this it is understandably that now they are focusing on delivering immediate cost reduction. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Supply Chain Operation" essay for you Create order In reference to a research done by Achilles shows that up to 80 per cent of the revenues spent with suppliers (Britain,2013). Its is therefor vital for the oil and gas company to implement a mechanism to manage risks involved in managing supply chains. Due to continuous existence of this risk, the market continues face challenges associated with pricing and volume supplied. Every company has dreams of operating globally to spread it operation allover to acquire more profit. Though this is an advantage, it also one of the major challenges facing supply chain of gas and oil. During a debate constituting a small group of oil and gas procurement executives in Huston, they stressed this one as a major challenge (Wright, C. J, Gallun R, 2015). They stressed on the possible challenges by land rig markets, environment become complex and chaotic. Hence transforming to a value-based strategy and less volume. Also states that the regulatory environment is raising up, as the regulatory body double in staff size in the previous year and again doubled on that year ().it transmit in the increase in the pricing. Transportation is on the major challenge emerging from the forces of volume and pricing. As the company tries to get a better procedure on how to extract and transport the product, they get in a problem in implementing the transport scheme. In remote geographic location and complex upstream operation on deep water, pose a major challenge for the supply chain partners. It brings up the cost used in large transit inventories (Wright, C. J, Gallun R, 2015). It forces the company to avail some amount of safety stock at the final location. The remote geographical location mainly affecting the upstream sector is one of the challenging affected the chain supply of gas and oil. The oil laying near on the ground is explicit exploited therefore it is forcing the company to migrate into remote oils mine that is yet exploited. The companies are moving to places such as West Africa, the Caspain Sea, the Arctic, Alaska, Brazil and other places with the prospectives of continuous maintaining their volume supply (Britain, 2013). Working in that place a prospective company lacks effective logistics capabilities. They also find it difficult in acquiring permits and Right Of Way (ROW), pipelines, building road, flow lines and other facilities. In an efficient supply, chain for an oil and gas company there needs a collaboration among the company. Due to the varying of pricing and volume in different region hiders to a successful collaboration. The companies scramble the available resource and market instead of sharing information where both would benefit in analysis the market in order to make an informed decision. The CEO of AGILITY stresses important of collaboration as an asset optimization where chemical producer and LSPs would work together with their competitors for a successful operation (Great Britain, 2013). In relation to the volume or pricing of oil and gas, it essential for the company to implement measure that will guard sophisticated information concerning the product (Li,L 2013).. This one of the key aspect that many companies are unable to implement hence posing a challenge in on chain supply of those products. Since the transportation of gas and oil is major on ship, both the producing company and suppliers and customer should have an information location of each ship at any time. Conclusion Digesting the above, it is clear on how the two hurricane that is prising and volume pose a challenge to companies in the chain supply of gas and oil. It would impossible to hold the two force constant, therefore the companies a task in finding measure to regulate them. They should have to collaborate among themselves, as this will help them navigate over this challenge. Reference Great Britain,(2013).Statutory security of supply report 2013: A report produced jointly by DECC and Ofgem, OTHER THAN THE ANNEXES WHICH ARE PRODUCED BY decc ALONE. London: Stationery Office. Li,L (2013). Supply chain management:Concepts, techniques,and practices enhancing the value throuhgh collabolation. Hackensack, NJ:World Scientific. Wright, C. J, Gallun R,A (2015).Fundamentals of oil gas accounting. Tulsa, okla: PennWell.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Trafficking and Prostitution in Russia - 2058 Words
Human Traficking In Russia: Prostitution human trafficking in Russia.-prostitution. Russia is considered the largest country in the whole world. It is massively known for the origin and final destination of trafficked men, women, and children who are forced to labour. Human trafficking is one of the major problems that is facing Russia. Trafficking is carried out mainly for the purpose of exploitation, which includes prostitution, forced labour, slavery, removal of organs and many others (human trafficking in and out of Russia). This is mostly because of the unbearable economic situations in the country and a punishment should be given to those who engage in human trafficking. Concentrating on prostitution as a form of human†¦show more content†¦Small children and adolescents involvement in sex working and producing pornography rapidly grew in the 1990s (E.V. Tiurukanova 40). Estimates show that not less than 17,000 minors are placed into the sex industry. In other estimates, the number may rise to 50,000 minors. Most of the children while interviewed sai d their engagement in sex trade was due to the ‘wish to survive’ and others to have their own money while others was to stop depending on their parents (E.V. Tiurukanova 41). Child trafficking also involved children being lured into child sex tourism. This started when the legal protection of children from sexual exploitation was omitted from the Russian legislation and the punishment to crimes related to sexual crimes and exploitation of small children being handed in United States and Europe gave a larger rise to child sex tourism. Many tourist travels to Russia, not for any other reason but enjoy sex with children (E.V. Tiurukanova 43). Trafficking of children was also for producing child pornography. This issue brought about many debates among the public but nothing was developed. The public has not yet shown acceptance, disapproval, or intolerance of the production and distribution of children produced pornography. Actually, hard economic situation has led to tolerance of the child pornography phenomena. According to the Russian national consultation on the commercial exploitation of children, Russia isShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking In Russia: Prostitution661 Words  | 3 PagesHuman Trafficking In Russia: Prostitution Human trafficking is one of the major problems that is facing Russia. And Russia is considered the largest country in the whole world. It is massively known for the origin and final destination of trafficked men, women, and children who are forced to labor. Trafficking is carried out mainly for the purpose of exploitation, which includes prostitution, forced labor, slavery, removal of organs and many others (human trafficking in and out of Russia). This isRead MoreSex Trafficking : A Unique Sector Of Slavery1201 Words  | 5 PagesSex trafficking is a unique sector of slavery that primarily affects women and children. This is sexual exploitation for profit where victims face inhumane and volatile conditions. The practice comes in varying forms including brothels, strip clubs, and online services. This horrible occurrence happens secretly in practically any corner across the globe. Although it causes immense physical harm to its victims, the physiological and emotional damage remai ns severe and prominent. Victims from AsiaRead MoreThe Globalization Of Human Trafficking990 Words  | 4 Pageswill define the globalization of human trafficking through the context of the United States as a first world nation and extension of this problematic issue in European nations, such as Russia and in the Baltic region. The first world status of the United States provides a context in which human trafficking has become a major problem when defining domestic markets for criminal organizations. However, the U.S. provides an example of the impact of human trafficking that occurs on a much wider scaleRead MoreRussi A Tier 3 Source, Transit, And Destination Country1067 Words  | 5 Pages Russia is a Tier 3 source, transit, and destination country. The dominant form of trafficking is forced labor but sexual exploitation and begging is also pronounced. Men, women, and children are among the exploited both inside and outside of the country. Russia’s Tier 3 status is du e to its refusal to meet the minimum standards to prevent, investigate, prosecute, or convict those involved with trafficking including government officials. It also provides no funding for counseling or rehabilitativeRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Nation s Economy, Political, And Legal Factors1383 Words  | 6 PagesHuman trafficking is the trade of humans by force, mainly women and female children, for the purposes of sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, and domestic labor. Global human trafficking has often been labeled as modern- day slavery; however the history and causes have been identifiable just as the causes of traditional slavery have been. What causes human trafficking? In this present paper, the hypotheses on the primary causes of global human trafficking will be identified. There are three majorRead MoreHuman Trafficking in Russia Essay1853 Words  | 8 Pagessomewhere in Russia wakes up from the sound of heavy footsteps creaking up the wooden steps. Confused, s he begins crying, trying to escape the chains, but as soon as she attempts, the face of a stranger comes near her. 11:07 p.m. A girl somewhere in Russia becomes a victim of human trafficking. Human trafficking has existed across the globe for thousands of years. From the Ancient Greek and Romans to the medieval times, until today, humans have existed as victims of the cruel act of human trafficking. AmongRead MoreEssay about Japanese, Russian, Chinese, and Mexican Organized Crime1042 Words  | 5 Pagesseveral different countries, such as; Italy, China, Japan, Russia and the United States of America. Although all these groups of organized crime have many things in common they tend to have different ways of doing something, or they may not do them at all. Many also commit similar types of crimes, and others commit crimes other groups would not. It is thought that the Russian Mafia has existed in Russia for several centuries. 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With regards to our local issue, African mirgants whom are labelled as ‘irregular immigrants’ are directly being trafficked in the country’s informal labor market. Between 2003 and 2011 there were 25 reported victims 24 of which were women all of foreign dissent. Most of them arrived illegally from Russia, Ukraine and RomaniaRead MoreThe Legal And Social Implications Of Prostitution1039 Words  | 5 Pageslegal and social implications of prostitution have been a topic of much concern over the past few decades. Although the issue has been heavily debated, a proper answer to its legalization or criminalization has not yet been defined in many countries throughout the world. While some view that â€Å"sex work†is a justifiable occupation that should be protected under human rights, others argue that it’s legalization would do more harm than good. According to the Health and Human Rights Journal (2014), the Russian
Honda Cars Free Essays
Honda Cars uses in its manufacturing, the state of the art facilities that set standards in the world market (specifically in automotive industry). The company utilized a leading edge painting facility, occupies a full dip paint system based on CED (Cationic Electro Deposition) bath, to guarantee faultless coating, accurate adhesion and anti-corrosion. The cars produce mainly by Honda also guarantees customer’s satisfaction. We will write a custom essay sample on Honda Cars or any similar topic only for you Order Now Honda employs strict measures to produce quality cars throughout the international market. The produced (cars) are subjected to strict inspection and testing. The company tests the products at Vehicle Quality section to minimize company defects and ensure that cars performed at its crest. Upon release to the dealers, the company determines the products (head and toe, wheel) alignment at the company’s G-SWAT and headlight tester. The company tests the running performance (optimum speed), clutch, breaks, and shifting levels at Brake Speed Tester. Other tests consist of Water Leak Tests, Side Slip Test, Visual Inspection and Simulation Test. This test evaluates the performance of the products at different road condition. Sales / Distribution Honda Cars is mainly based in Japan and its branches are spread in the world market. The company in its home country produces quality and good price to Japan. Over the years, through its success, the company maintained a sole proprietor / producer of Honda cars. The company does not join other automobile companies to expand their production. The company maintained its own stlye and makes an icon in the international market. In the recent years (2000-2007, Honda cars was hammered by other big automobile companies in the world market. The company’s introduction of their products in Europe was thrashed by American and European-based car companies. But, the company is still in the line of making and produce cars in the international market. General Motors General Motors / GM was known with its production of unique interiors and bodylines. The company’s goal was, ‘To provide the finest vehicles possible to every customer in every market around the globe.’ General Motors Corporation is the world’s largest producer / seller of cars in the world market. Based in U.S.A., the company is present in 33 countries with an employment rate about 284, 000 people around the globe. In 2006, General Motors produced; â€Å"Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Saab, Saturn and Vauxhall, Buick, Cadillac, Holden, HUMMER, Opel, and Pontiac†. The company’s biggest sales in its home country (U.S.A.), proceeds by United Kingdom, Canada, China and Germany. The company made a strategy to expand its production in the world market through Minority Dealer Development. It is bilingual in nature; both the dealers and the company benefit (hefty advantage to the company). It is directed through different companies and directs in human resources (training) and dealership. Today, the General Motors had access throughout the globe; from country to country, cities from cities, overcoming production of sole proprietors of cars. The company sweeps away competition among other car companies and still leading the automobile industry. Sales / Distribution The company focuses in partnership to other car companies around the globe and developed profound relationships to its customers. General Motors is the leading / major stockholder of GM Daewoo Auto and Technology Co. of South Korea and collaborates with Suzuki Motor Corp. and Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan. In addition, the company engaged in research and technology advancement with BMW AG (Germany), DaimlerChrysler AG and Toyota Motor Corp. (Japan). Also, the company gambles investing Renault SA of France, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China, Toyota, AVTOVAZ of Russia and Suzuki. GM Powertain under General Motors put for sale GM engines and transmissions. Parts and Accessories are retailed via GM Service and Parts Operations under Gm Performance Parts, ACDelco, and GM Good wrench. This supplies GM dealerships and distributors worldwide. Salesperson Profile Salesperson assist customers to acquire what they need and attempt to make them interested in buying your product / merchandise. Retail salespersons are highly ‘in demand’ and competitions in this job are high. Employers do prefer college graduate in sales; college graduate people take an advantage over high school graduates. In layman’s term, a good salesperson needs to have skills in communication. He / She do not only require good education but also needs to be industrious, creative and with talent in chatting with common people (buyers). His / Her talent in making people believe in his / her products will definitely make him / her best in selling products / produced goods. Employers would definitely choose salesperson with talent rather than a common salesperson. Work Cited Honda: The Power of Dreams (2007). URL Retrieved September 14, 2007. Mckay, Dawn Rosenberg. Retail Salesperson: Career Information (2007). URL Retrieved September 14, 2007. How to cite Honda Cars, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Effects Of The Industrial Essay Example For Students
The Effects Of The Industrial Essay The Effects of the Industrial RevolutionThe Industrial Revolution was absolutely beneficial to the progress of the world from the 1800s all the way to present day. Sacrifices were made which allowed technological advancements during the Industrial Revolution, which in turn, created happiness, life opportunities, and an over-all, definite amelioration of life. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, many hardships had to be overcome, causing great grief to most of the population. Faith was lost, patience was tried, and a blanket of oppression covered the people of Europe. When new inventions arose to facilitate the producing and mass-producing of goods that supplied the people of Europe, nearly everyone was forced to begin a new career within a factory. These are just some of the hardships that many loyal, hardworking citizens were faced with. The reverberations of these new inventions caused a dramatic plummet of the life expectancy of an average citizen to an alarming 15 year s of age. Women and children were expected to work up to 16 hours a day and doing labor that could cause serious injury, like carrying extremely heavy loads. For their work, they were paid ridiculous wages, women around 5 shillings per week, and children about 1. One can easily recognize the negative aspects of such a dramatic event. However, if one steps back to view the revolution as a whole, he will notice that the positive aspects completely outweigh the negative aspects. We will write a custom essay on The Effects Of The Industrial specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The job opportunities and price decrease definitely improved the lives of the people, giving them a chance to be a part of the society and be able to purchase products at a price that wasnt too bad. Many lives changed outside work. There were many national benefits of this revolution. One very important thing was that there became many more goods available because of the mass-production. Due to this mass-producing, the goods also dropped in price, which considerably benefited those who were financially struggling. Along with the mass-producing came more employment opportunities, which allowed some of the less fortunate people to have a chance of getting a job. The increase of new ideas and inventions led to an increase of the quality of life. Medicinal products became more plentiful, transportation improved, and free education was available. People began to find themselves with more leisure time. Wages were increased, health benefits became available, and eventually, pension became a vailable to those who retired. These are just some of the many aspects of the revolution that benefited the people as a nation, which made them happier, and made the government safer from rebellion. There is still one more aspect of this revolution and that is the effects of it on present day. Without the inventions and changes that took place to form a more ideal society, we wouldnt be where we are today. Without labor laws and health benefits, the life expectancy of a human would drop at least 20 years. Our lives would not be integrated with the technology that helps us learn and grow such as computers, cars, and airplanes. Without the growth of industrialization, there would not be the need for any of these inventions, and we would all still be working on a farm. Some would say that they would rather live on a farm, but many can easily see how much better our lives are with the effects of the industrialization. Let us step back and view the revolution as a whole now. In the beginning, people struggled and suffered, and this happens with all change and progress; people sacrifice. As time passed, people gained more benefits, and their lives became better. Work became much less tedious, and many people found themselves with more extra time. Finally there is the modern day and the future. Technology and industry has dominated our world, improving it to a point that would have been unimaginable one hundred years ago, and with the help of the people, the sacrificing and the hardships, progress continues.
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